Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Social Networking

Facebook and Myspace are two of the most popular websites used today for socializing. They are used by teenagers, adults, and business's. There are two different ways of social networking. Social network service focuses on building online communities of different people who share interests and or activities.
Social networking sites started as online communities through chat rooms. They have sprung to other sites like Myspace, Facebook, and even Twitter. These sites can be used to find people, find information about people, and even play games. They can be used for business, entertainment, social, news, and recreational purposes.
Business's and corporations use Facebook for advertising purposes. Many business's have Facebooks to put out there product or communicate to employees easily. Since so many people have facebooks it is easier for business to use facebook to there advantage. Business's use mypsace to advtise there product as well.
Facebook and Myspace are mainly used social networking. People use them to find people, chat with people, and counter act with others. Pictures can be added to your page and make it so all your friends and people can see your pictures. You can also add music and videos to your page. It is easy to communicate with people, so many teenagers, and even adults use them for that reason.
Facebook can be used for news to be spread to a mass amount of people because of the tremendous number of facebook users.
Facebook and Myspace can also be used for recreational purposes. Facebook has added many addicting games for all those users. Whether its raising your own farm and selling your crops or play helicopter games can be used for those enjoyments.
Myspace has a lot to do with entertainment. Many new artist trying to sell there music to people use Myspace. Even though Facebook still has become more popular. Myspace is still popular but mostly for entertainment.

Linkd in

Have you ever wanted something done easier and similar? Linked in uses your connections or friends and family to help get the job done. For example, if you need help finding a business connection, your friends and family may not have them but their friends maybe will. This is proven to help your business progress and build to be stronger. It includes information on experience, education, and recommendations. This allows your friends and family to see these things about you. To accomplish what you need, linked in makes it easier to get from point A to point B. If you have professional need, linked in helps make the path easier. It can be used as if your buisness grows many times your to do list grows. Lined in links you to people who are friends or family of yours or friends or family of your friends to help complete those tasks. Ad agencies, and even find investors are found by using linked in. The network you have will help you find a few reliable ad agencys and investers. linked in finds the right stuff for the right people. linked in includes advanced searches for investors. When you find the right investors, all you need is an introduction from your connection. Many times you do stuff for your network linked in does the same stuff for you as well. No matter what your profession is, linked in can help you with people, knowledge, and opportunities.

Google Docs

Google docs is a relatively new website for storing files and different materials online. It allows the user to edit the file online without having to make more than one copy of it. It is a free website that can manage files of different types including text documents, spreadsheets and other basic file formats. Not only are these files accessible to the person who uploaded them, but the person can also invite other people to work on the project as well. Google docs can be helpful for business, school, and other uses. Many times when a company is working on a project, employees are sending different files in email attachments each time something is changed on the project. Now they don't have to because now they can use google docs. Instead of email attachments from everyone, one person can start the project on google docs. Once it is started, they can invite whoever else they need to work on it as well, all in the same document. This makes everything more organized because instead of having so many copies of such a similar things. Now, instead of caring around usb drives and other portable hard drives, you can just save files to google docs. From there, you can use the file from any computer over the internet and finish or complete whatever it was you were working on. The only problem is that if the internet is down, it is not possible to get to your file at the time. Because google docs is more of a file storage website, then a social networking site, there are no real social, news, or entertainment functions.


Twitter started out as a website designed to send updates quickly about your life and things you are doing in-between instant messaging and blogging. Blogging has been around for almost a ten years, blogs can consist of the wildest things ever witnessed or simply how the spaghetti you ate tasted like worms.

The problem is, people don’t always have a computer at their finger tips so blogs aren’t always in real time. Twitter started out as a small website in 2006 and since then it has become a huge social networking sites favored by many.

Even today, Twitter is expanding into our lives even if you do not use it. Just by browsing Verizon’s texting phones, most of their phones come with a pre installed Face book and Twitter app. Twitter has such an impact on people’s lives that companies are making pushes to make it a lot easier. But with success that twitter has brought to bloggers and followers, the social networking site can be used for bad.

Recently Robbers and hackers have turned to the networking giant to decide when its best to break in. By becoming a follower you receive all or most of the blogger's “tweets” and if you are able to learn their schedule Twitter can be abused.

twittergraph.pngAs you can see by this graph, twitter is followed by different followers. Building relationships are a big part of twitter. Just by looking at this graph you can see a few of the many ways twitter can be used to become and integral part of people’s lives.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Favorite Holiday

My favorite holdiday Christmas. It is Christmas because everyone gets together and shares presents with each other. Every year two days after Christmas i go to Vermont to go snowboarding. I have the same routine every year and it gets better and better every year.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


After i figured out my grades for the first quarter i was pretty happy. So this means my Thanksgiving will be relativly happy.

Monday, November 23, 2009


On Thanksgiving my family usually comes over for dinner. My mom is always the one to cook. She cooks a big turkey and all her on stuffing, mash potatoes, and so on. Then she also makes her own pies. Thanksgiving is a good holliday

Friday, November 20, 2009


I think the new grading policy is stupid. I think it is stupid because people who usually get a 91 in a class gets an A- instead of an A. It is harder to get a better grade with this new grading policy.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Best Vacation

My best vacation ever was when i went to Hawaii. It was the best vacation because it was the first time i went scuba diving. When i was scuba diving i saw a hammer-head shark and a miniature octopus. It was always nice weather, and it was a fun vacation

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Trevor's Favorites

My Favorites-

  • Sports Teams- Yankees, Jets, Knicks, Rangers
  • Sports- Football, Baseball, Golf, Basketball
  • Food- Chicken Parm, Steak, Pizza
  • Music-Rap
  • Music Artist- Lil Wanye, Kanye West, Jay-Z
  • Teacher- Mrs. Swanson
  • Color- Red or Blue
  • School Subject- Gym, Lunch, Math
  • Cars- BMW M5, Lamborgini, Ferarri
  • Movies- Bad Boys 2, 300, Bourne

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Welcome to my blog